Basic Car Maintenance Tips for Getting Your Car Road Trip Ready

Basic Car Maintenance Tips for Getting Your Car Road Trip Ready

Many of us like to head off on road trips. Especially in the unprecedented times, we are currently living in; everyone needs to unwind once in a while from the routine to refresh our body and mind. Road drive can be a perfect way to do this, and yes, our car is the only thing that can take us to every lane we want to go to. Having said that, of course, we need our car for our daily commute as well, but road trips make it more of a weapon to hit the highway. Find below to know car maintenance tips before a road trip.

If you are right now reading this blog, you might be one of those planning your next road trip and have a nightmare of being helpless on a highway just because your car is not working. We know it is pathetic to be haunted by those dreams; why turn them into a reality when you have access to essential car maintenance tips? Read on the blog for some crucial tips for getting your car road-trip-ready.

An Eye on the Car Fluids

Different car models are now adapting themselves to the modern digitization requirements. But, one thing that remains constant in designing a car is its fluids. While the motor oil of the vehicles is a common fluid used in many of them, there are many transmission and specialized fluids used for maintaining vehicles longevity and operation.

Always ensure that the below essential fluids are in appropriate amounts before hitting the road. Consider the gap between various basic car maintenance intervals to get the correct estimate of the fluids.

Six Essential Car Fluids
  • Engine Oil
  • Coolant
  • Power Steering Fluid
  • Brake Fluid
  • Transmission Fluid

If you cannot estimate your vehicle’s fluid levels precisely, taking it to a basic car maintenance service is always suggested.

Check Your Car Tires

As we all know, our car safety and issues primarily pertain to the efficiency of the tyres. So, never plan a road trip without checking your vehicle tires. To evaluate the condition of tires, all you need to do is consider the below factors to identify any defects in the functioning.

– Air Pressure

– Rotation

– Condition

Check if the above factors are at optimum level to avoid any inconvenience in your road trip because of your car tyres. Needless to say, if you are finding it tough to evaluate these factors, take your car to a basic car maintenance service provider in your area; they will for sure help you in having a safe road trip with zero vehicle risks.

General Car Maintenance

Apart from the fluids and tyres, there are a few more basic car maintenance aspects to consider before planning a road trip. Here are a few of them.

Air Filters:

Usually, there are two different types of air filters. They are the engine air filters and cabin air filters. The main aim of these filters is to provide debris-free air to the engine and incoming air to the passenger compartment. For the vehicle to function correctly, it is essential to maintain both these filters in proper condition. Trying to get the fillers changed or checked for every 10,000 to 15,000 miles is a go-to for every vehicle.


These days, most vehicles rely on a single ribbed serpentine belt to drive the alternator, air conditioning compressor, water pump and other accessories whenever possible. To check any cracks or fraying of these belts, it is vital to take them for an inspection.


Apart from the headlights, many lights are inside the car cabins. Nothing pissesses you off as much as travelling on a dark road during the road trip. Apart from it, poor car lights may also lead to severe car accidents at times. So, why risk your life for a bit of negligence. Take your vehicle to a basic car maintenance service provider and get your car bulbs checked before going on a road trip.

To Know More Details About Car Maintenance Tips Before A Road Trip, Contact Tserv.

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